Greenville High School
Emergency Action Plan
Greenville High School Athletics
9 Donation Road, Greenville, PA 16125
Emergency Contact Phone Numbers:
Ja'Shawn Smith, ATC. . . . . (412) 295-1937
Athletic Director (AD).. . . . (724) 866-6895
School Office Phone. . . . . . (724) 588-2500
School Nurse Office Phone. .(724) 588-3429
Ambulance, Fire, and Police. . . . . . . . . . .911
Orthopedics Office. . . . .
Poison Control Center. . . . . 1(800) 222-1222
Information to be provided over the phone:
- Name and phone number calling from
- Exact location of emergency and directions
- Type of injury or illness
- Condition of patient(s) and type of treatment
- Number of people injured
- Other information as requested and be the last one to hang up
Emergency Care:
Apply basic emergency care as situation requires.
- Check life threatening conditions
- Level of consciousness – if unconscious call 911 immediately
- Airway – is airway blocked
- Breathing – is person breathing
- Circulation – does person have pulse
- Bleeding – is person bleeding severely
- Call 911 now if necessary
- Apply basic first aid as situation requires
- Adult CPR: 30 compressions for every 2 breaths (slow, don’t force)
- Bleeding: direct pressure over injury; elevate injury over heart if possible; apply sterile dressing over injury;
- Splint fractures
- Cervical Collar – apply if suspected neck injury; prevent any movement of neck when applying cervical collar
- Spine Boarding – use if suspected head, neck or spine injury; prevent any movement of spine while attaching to spine board
- Treat for Shock – if necessary
Equipment and supplies:
All available emergency equipment is stored in AT room and Football Field House.
1. Nurses room hallway
2. Main Gym hallway
3. Superintendent’s Office hallway
Medical records and other documents are kept in the athletic director’s office.
Environmental Conditions:
Heat Injuries
?Heat Cramps – dehydration, thirst, sweating, muscle cramps, fatigue
?Heat Syncope (fainting) – dehydration, fatigue, tunnel vision, pale or sweaty skin, decreased pulse rate, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting
?Heat exhaustion - normal or elevated temperature, dehydration, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, headache, nausea, diarrhea, decreased urine output, persistent muscle cramps, pale skin, profuse sweating, chills, cool/clammy skin, intestinal cramps, urge to defecate, weakness, hyperventilation
?Heat stroke - high body-core temperature, central nervous system changes, dizziness, drowsiness, irrational behavior, confusion, irritability, emotional instability, hysteria, apathy, aggressiveness, delirium, disorientation, staggering, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, dehydration, weakness, hot and wet or dry skin, fast heart beat, low blood pressure, hyperventilation, vomiting, diarrhea; cool athlete immediately in any way possible, can lead to death
Cold Injuries
?Frostnip – white/waxy skin, numbness; typically cheeks, earlobes, fingers, and toes
?Frostbite – white skin, “wooden” feel to affected area, numbness, possible anesthesia; warm slowly, no rubbing
?Hypothermia – shivering, loss of function, slurred speech, dazed, irrational behavior, pale skin, dilated pupils, decreased pulse
Inform ATC and EMS of any emergency situation immediately.
START Triage Plan